
Switzerland wants to create a unique digital identity for use on the internet

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The debate on the security and privacy of users is still very topical. It is a problem that increasingly affects more people. The recent problem with the electronic ID is a good example of the risks that users face. Countries are looking for ways to protect and guarantee the safety of users. Now, Switzerland comes with its new proposal. Create a unique digital identity.

Switzerland wants to create a unique digital identity for use on the Internet

A unique digital identity that users can use on the Internet. Both for browsing and for making online purchases. This identity will also be useful to authenticate with the main Internet services. It is an initiative that was born under the SwissID project. A project that already has the support of nine of the largest companies in the European country.

Digital Unique Identity: A Step in the Right Direction

The idea goes far beyond Switzerland. It is intended that each user has a unique access credential or profile to buy in stores, book hotels or train and plane tickets or make bank transactions. It has the support of several Swiss companies, in addition to the country's government. That it will be in charge of verifying the identity of the people.

The consortium of companies supporting this initiative is made up of: UBS, Credit Suisse, Swisscom, Swiss Post, SIX, Raiffeisen, Swiss Railways, Zuercher Kantonalbank and Mobiliario. It is expected to be ready by the middle of next year. So the project is very advanced.

Countries like Switzerland and Estonia are taking serious steps to protect the safety and privacy of users. Other countries such as Sweden, Denmark and Norway have already shown interest in this project. So surely we will see how more countries adopt this system over the next year.


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