Google reveals the methods most used by hackers to enter your gmail account

Table of contents:
- Google reveals the methods most used by hackers to enter your Gmail account
- Keylogger and phishing the most used
Google and the University of California have joined forces to analyze what are the most common methods used to access Gmai l accounts. This study complements one recently published by the two on the number of accounts stolen each week. The new two-part analysis focuses on the tools that hackers prefer to use to access a Gmail account.
Google reveals the methods most used by hackers to enter your Gmail account
We find few surprises in this regard, since tools such as keyloggers and phishing rise again as the most used. It is also seen that they are still very effective. Reason why hackers continue to use them. The global victims of these tools are in the millions.
Keylogger and phishing the most used
Google identified some 788, 000 potential keylogger victims. These programs capture what the user types or what he sees through his screen. While in the case of phishing, the potential victims are about 12.4 million. A practice that manages to trick the user into entering their data on a website that is controlled by hackers.
In addition, researchers have revealed that between 12% and 25% of keyloggers and phishing manage to find the victim's password. So they were able to access their Gmail account. Although these techniques are giving way to much more sophisticated ones such as obtaining the IP, geolocation or obtaining the telephone number.
Although, despite the arrival of new methods, phishing and keylogging are still the most frequent and effective. Spain is currently among the 10 countries most affected by security breaches, according to this Google report. At the head is the United States.
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