
Russian hacker violates millions of email accounts (affected gmail)

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When registering for an email account, users generally put their creativity to work in order to devise a password that is easy to remember but difficult to access because in the computer world there are people who are dedicated to violating their security, thus obtaining damage, passwords and photos that can be used to upload them on the network or for criminal purposes. And in Russia it was discovered that a hacker managed to violate hundreds of accounts between Microsoft, Yahoo! and Gmail, which has sparked security alerts around the world.

Approximately the Russian hacker got 64 million email accounts

The Retention Insurance discovered what seems to be the largest hack of email accounts known, apparently the hacker managed to duplicate more than 64 million accounts where only 57 million were accounts, the largest provider of the email service in Russia.

According to Holden, the cache of all the duplicate accounts was obtained, the Russian email accounts being the most affected, and the hacker is attributed the violation of large amounts of Yahoo! reaching 40 million accounts.

For Microsoft accounts, it also managed to duplicate more than 33 million accounts and 44 million Gmail accounts, which were owned by US users who work in large companies.

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It is for these types of events that large companies such as Gmail emphasize the importance of placing high-security passwords and more so if we handle extremely important data, but the vast majority ignore the warnings and the high probability that they will be victims. from a hacker, who as you can see is not necessarily the neighbor or someone who has any indication of the possible password you placed, but can come from anywhere in the world and give you a hard time.


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