
Hamr, the next hard drives will increase their capacity to 80 tb

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The latest technological development for the hard drive segment comes from the Japanese company Showa Denko KK (SDK). Its high-density HAMR technology is making use of something we've already heard before, heat-assisted magnetic recording (HAMR), now updated to allow for higher density.

HAMR hard drives will increase their capacity up to 80TB

As they claim, it is now that 3.5-inch hard drives can reach capacities of 70 to 80 TB of storage.

HAMR represents a recording method in which the magnetic film is heated at the time of recording. This technology has been developed to solve the "magnetic recording trilemma" or "magnetic recording trilemma": the difficulty of simultaneously meeting the three requirements of the fine particle structure, resistance to thermal fluctuation and ease of magnetization. Compared to the recording density of approx. 1.14Tb / inch2 for HD media based on conventional magnetic recording methods, HAMR based HD media is said to achieve a recording density of 5-6Tb / inch2 in the future. As long as the same number of disks are used, it is estimated that a 3.5-inch hard drive will achieve a storage capacity of approximately 70-80 TB per drive using this method.

The technology adds a thin magnetic layer with iron and platinum support, which creates very small crystal particles on the plates, allowing them to be written. Materials have another advantage, they can withstand heat quite well.

Visit our guide on the best hard drives on the market

It is not known with certainty when the new technology will go into mass production, but it is what is coming in the years to come. Apparently, the next hard drives will be destined for massive data storage, while SSDs will be much faster, but with less capacity. The gap that exists today between the two will widen. We will keep you informed.

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