
There are more than 4,000 applications that use the microphone without permission

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Everyone knows that there are many malicious applications on Google Play. Although the app store continues to introduce new security tools, there is still a lot of work to be done. And the number of applications that carry out actions that the user is unaware or has not authorized is high.

There are more than 4, 000 applications that use the microphone without permission

An investigation of the applications present in Google Play has been carried out. And it has been revealed that there are more than 4, 000 spyware applications, which, among other actions, have the ability to access and use the phone's microphone without the user knowing it. And without having accepted.

Applications with spyware

Spyware is very common in malicious applications. One thing researchers have wanted to highlight is that applications have been changing over time. There are apps that disappear after a while and new ones pop up instead. And it is all kinds of applications. From instant messaging to video games.

They have also mentioned that these 4, 000 applications have not been exclusively distributed by Google Play. Although a large number of them have been. The rest have been largely due to malware dissemination campaigns through various means.

The report sought to strengthen Google Play's position as a trusted site for downloading applications. While it is not without its dangers, as there are still too many malicious applications, it is the best option. And in addition, security tools are being progressively introduced to protect users.


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