Hello games announces its new game the last campfire

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Hello Games is a video game developer that is on the minds of many of us due to the disastrous launch of No Man's Sky a little over two years ago, a game that came promising a lot, but that was not even in an Alpha state and despite that it cost 60 euros. Now they return to the charge with The Last Campfire.
The Last Campfire is new to Hello Games after No Man's Sky
It's fair to say that Hello Games hasn't stopped working on No Man's Sky, offering free content and finally bringing the promised multiplayer experience to the space adventure. Now they have announced a new surprise game called The Last Campfire. According to Hello boss Sean Murray, The Last Campfire is an adventure about "a lost creature trapped in an intriguing place, searching for meaning and on the way home." It is set in a desert of "lost people, strange creatures and mysterious ruins".
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The Last Campfire is being created by Hello employees Chris Symonds and Steven Burgess, who previously did LostWinds for Frontier Developments. That game, released a decade ago, is a cartoon platform game with puzzle elements. Murray said it is like "Pixar shorts… a way to encourage creativity and new voices." Although a trailer has been released, Hello hasn't shared details about the platforms or the release date.
No Man's Sky is one of the most controversial game releases in recent years, putting Hello Games in the spotlight of gamers. It remains to be seen if players trust Hello Games and buy the starting game, or if they prefer to punish the company and wait to see substantial.
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