Htc would be thinking of selling its virtual reality division

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Virtual reality is in fashion but there is no doubt that the price of this technology is very high, this represents an obstacle for many users who cannot afford to spend more than 600 euros on a device of these characteristics. HTC Vive is, surely, the best virtual reality device on the market for PC but its sales have been very discreet so the company would be thinking of leaving this niche in the market.
HTC's virtual reality adventure is about to end
HTC is a company specialized in the development of smartphones but has experienced a foray into the world of virtual reality, despite the fact that its HTC Vives are an excellent device, the sale price is very high, so there are very few users who they can afford their purchase. We have good proof of this in that the PlayStation VR have achieved a higher sales volume than HTC Vive and Oculus Rift together, something that shows that users prefer to opt for a cheaper solution even if its characteristics are inferior.
HTC is also going through a bad time in the smartphone market, the company became brilliant but in the last five years it has seen its value have decreased by 75% to fall to $ 1.8 billion, while its share market has dropped to 2%, this makes the last eight months have had a loss of $ 66 million so it is necessary to take action.
With the sale of its division Vive VR, the person in charge of virtual reality, HTC would get rid of an important ballast and with this it could improve its competitiveness in the smartphone market, more at odds than ever with hundreds of Chinese manufacturers. With this information, we will most likely never see HTC Vive 2.
Source: bloomberg
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