
Microsoft would work on xbox scarlett with virtual reality

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Microsoft has been developing Project Scarlett for some time, which will be its new console that promises to be a revolution. Meanwhile, the firm is leaving us with projects around it. A novelty of great interest in this regard would be Xbox Scarlett with virtual reality. Since it seems that the American firm is going to bet on virtual reality in this case.

Microsoft would work on XBOX Scarlett with virtual reality

The firm already has two patents in this regard, which show its commitment to virtual reality in this case, a mat and a stylus, which have already been seen.

Bet on virtual reality

There are several products that Microsoft would be developing in this field. A VR mat, which allows you to record the movements of each player based on their position. On the other hand, a stylus, which could be used with Xbox consoles. It has also been possible to see a new set of glasses with virtual reality, which would be used with the console. In addition to some new motion sensor.

They are patents that the firm has already registered, but that at the moment it is not known whether they are really under development or not. What seems to be clear is that they bet on virtual reality clearly in this regard.

It remains to be seen if any of these products finally reaches the market and are a reality with Xbox Scarlett or if they are for another project that Microsoft is currently developing. Although we can see that the company invests a lot in this virtual reality, so they see its potential.

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