
Huawei may participate in the deployment of 5g in the uk

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Huawei is encountering many problems in the deployment of 5G networks in Europe. In some countries they are putting many obstacles to the participation of the company. As is the case in the Netherlands. In the meantime, the UK appears not to put such barriers in place as the Chinese manufacturer is allowed to take part in this process.

Huawei may participate in the deployment of 5G in the United Kingdom

Although the company will be able to, other Chinese companies will not have this possibility. They are not going to be able to get involved in essential parts of the necessary equipment. As several media in the country already report.

Huawei will work in the UK

This is undoubtedly good news for the Chinese manufacturer, which is encountering many problems in the deployment of 5G networks worldwide. Many countries question whether or not to let them work on this project. While others have already made it clear that they did not want the company working on this project. So the fact that a country like the UK allows them to work on this deployment is good news for them.

Other countries in Europe have not yet made a final decision. Although in countries such as Germany and the Netherlands, investigations are carried out on the company. So it is possible that he will not be able to work in these countries.

At the European level there is a consensus not to prohibit Huawei from working on the deployment of 5G. Although there are countries that show their doubts about the company, and that have the possibility and freedom to refuse to allow the firm to work on their borders.

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