
The european union will allow huawei to participate in the deployment of 5g

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Huawei has encountered quite a few problems in deploying 5G networks. After accusations of espionage by the United States, many countries have begun to hamper the Chinese brand. Although it seems that the situation within the European Union is somewhat different. Because there seems to be no intention to prohibit the company from working on the deployment of such networks.

The European Union will not prohibit Huawei's participation in the deployment of 5G

Although the EU leaves it open for each country to make its own decisions. So there may be countries within the EU that do not want to work with the Chinese company.

Huawei and the deployment of 5G

While it is good news for Huawei, it has been encountering too many problems in these weeks. Even in some markets in Europe. But the reality is that many countries in Europe have never shown the intention of prohibiting the company from working on the deployment of 5G networks at its borders. So in principle, we should see that the Chinese brand is going to collaborate in this process.

More news is expected this Tuesday. Because the president of the European Commission is going to publish his recommendation this day. So we will have much more information about this situation tomorrow, with a little luck.

Therefore, it is likely that we will see Huawei collaborating in the deployment of 5G in markets in Europe in these months. A piece of news that the American government will not like, which continues to insist on the espionage of the Chinese company, with no evidence to date to attest to this.

Reuters Source


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