
Huawei indefinitely delays the launch of its new laptop

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Huawei was expected to present its new laptop within the MateBook range at CES 2019 Asia. Although the current situation of the manufacturer, with its conflict with the United States, has altered these plans. In fact, the launch of this laptop is delayed indefinitely. So the Chinese brand prefers to focus on other issues for now.

Huawei indefinitely delays the launch of its new laptop

The main problem is that the company does not currently have the capacity to distribute the laptop, as it cannot use many of the necessary components for it.

No laptops for now

The Huawei CEO has been the one to confirm this, in addition to confirming that the launch is delayed and that it is not known if there will be a launch at a later date or not. It depends on various factors, which are not currently in the hands of the company. So in this sense it only remains to wait to see how the situation evolves. Although it is not a surprise that this has happened.

Since a few weeks ago we already know that the company cannot use components or services that come from the United States. This is something that affects all its products, but especially its range of notebooks.

Huawei has sought to downgrade the effects by accumulating additional stock in many components. Meanwhile, tests are underway with its new operating system, which is supposed to be used on the brand's laptops as well. So the new MateBook may arrive shortly with this brand new operating system.

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