
Instagram will let users turn their stories into ads

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Instagram stories have become an essential part in the popular app. Therefore, it seeks to get the most out of them. So you are looking to use them to insert ads, something that already happens, among the stories of your friends there are ads. But the company seeks to go one step further. Users will be able to convert their own stories into an ad.

Instagram will let users turn their stories into ads

This is a strategy that we are already seeing on Facebook today, and it is beginning to be tested already in the photo application, so it will come soon.

Ads on Instagram

The new feature in question coming to Instagram soon is called Promete ads for Stories. It is not available yet, although it is a tool to promote the stories. So that they are reflected within the feed of a user's stories, as if it were one more. So unlike other ads in the app, they integrate seamlessly into stories.

Administrators will be able to carry out various actions, such as choosing a market segment that they want to target with these ads. Either by age, or because they live in a certain area. They will be aspects that this function will allow to configure.

Instagram is already testing with it. So it won't take too long until it is officially entered into the app. We will be attentive to the arrival of this new function. What do you think about it?

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