
Instagram will allow us to silence our contacts

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A month ago it was announced that Instagram would soon introduce a feature called mute. Thanks to it we were going to be able to silence our contacts (stop seeing their publications) without having to block or delete them. A function that has finally become a reality and will arrive in a few weeks for users of the popular social network.

Instagram already allows us to silence our contacts

It is a function that we already know, because it has been present on Facebook for quite some time. So it is nothing new, but it is something that many users on the photographic social network surely missed. Now it's here.

We can mute users on Instagram

Thanks to the function, we will not have to see more the posts that a certain person uploads on Instagram. Thus, without having to stop following or blocking it, we do not have to worry about what they upload on the social network. The way to silence a user is very simple. We simply have to go to the profile of the person in question.

Once there, we enter the menu (three vertical points) and several options will appear. We will see that one of the new options is to silence said user. So we simply must select this. In this way we can forget about this person's publications.

The feature is not available to users at the moment, although it should arrive in the coming weeks. But a specific date for this has not been revealed at the moment. So we hope to know more in the next few days.

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