Graphics Cards

Intel shows off a prototype discrete graphics card

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After numerous rumors about its return to the market for discrete graphics cards after the failure of the Larrabee Project, Intel has shown the first prototype of a discrete graphics card from the company, thus confirming its intentions to fight with AMD and Nvidia after taking over the former AMD GPU Lead Architect Raja Koduri.

This is the first discrete graphics card from Intel

At the IEE International Solid State Circuit Conference in San Francisco last week, Intel revealed the first results of its efforts with a prototype GPU based on its 14nm process. This prototype has 1, 542 million transistors and will feature two main chips, the first containing the GPU alongside a system agent, and the second containing a field programmable gate array (FPGA). The GPU contains three arrays of execution units based on Intel's 9 Gen architecture.

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For now this prototype is just a proof of concept, no actual performance indicators were provided. However, the chipmaker is making efficiency one of its main goals in its development, thereby aiming to mimic the success of its line of x86 processors.

Given its simple prototype status, it is unlikely that we will see this product hit the market, but its presence indicates that Intel is serious about competition with Nvidia and AMD for the high-end graphics card market, it will have to be seen if it seeks to compete in the gaming market or targets only other sectors such as artificial intelligence.

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Graphics Cards

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