
Intel optane 800p review in Spanish (full analysis)

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Intel Optane 800P is the second generation of these SSD drives based on advanced 3D Xpoint memory. These differ from traditional SSDs in that they function as a persistent cache where the most used data is stored, thanks to which, the programs run much faster. Optane's main advantage is that it has a much lower latency than traditional NAND memory.

Is it worth buying an Intel Optane over a SATA or M.2 NVMe SSD? Will you bring us more improvements than the first versions released in 2017? Don't miss our review! ?

We thank Intel Spain for the sample loan for analysis:

Intel Optane 800P technical characteristics

Unboxing and design

Intel Optane 800 comes inside a cardboard box in which bluish tones predominate, it is a presentation very similar to the one used by the brand in its desktop processors. In the rear area we have all the most important detailed product specifications.

Once we open the box we find the Intel Optane 800 disk perfectly protected by a plastic blister, accompanied by the documentation and the warranty leaflet.

At first glance, Intel Optane 800P does not differ much from the NAND SSDs that we can find on the market, since it uses the same M.2 form factor as the latter. One major difference is that the Intel Optane 800P uses a PCI Express 3.0 x2 interface instead of the PCI Express 3.0 x4 interface on NVMe drives.

The reason for this we will see a little later. Optane also makes use of the NVMe protocol, which means it could reach speeds of up to 4, 000 MB / s with this technology.

Intel Optane 800P is built with 3D Xpoint memory jointly developed by Intel and Micron. This memory technology wants to replace the NAND used by traditional SSDs, it even goes much further by aspiring to unify storage and RAM in the same memory pool.

3D Xpoint offers much lower latency than NAND and also has the potential to be much faster and more durable. To all this, it is added that it is a persistent memory, that is, that the data written to it is not erased when the electric current is cut.

Intel Optane 800P works as a cache device that sits between the processor and system storage, whether it is a mechanical disk or a traditional SSD. The function of Optane is to save the data most used by the system, in this way they can be accessed much faster than if they were on the HDD or SSD, which means that applications open faster and they run smoother. The main limitation is that it is only compatible with Kaby Lake or Coffee Lake processors.

Intel Optane 800P achieves sequential read and write speeds of 1450 MB / s and 640MB / s along with 4K Random Operations (QD4) performance of 250K IOPS read and 140K IOPS write.

These figures do not seem like much, but Optane's great asset is a much lower latency as we mentioned before, this makes it possible to access data much faster than NAND based disks. What does it mean? this? That Optane is incredibly fast at handling QD 1 and QD 2 random data, up to five times more than NAND based disks.

Thanks to its low latency, Intel Optane 800P is capable of sustaining a much higher real performance than NAND disks, the manufacturers of the latter give the performance figures in the conditions that are most favorable to them, which means that in real use don't be as fast as they seem. As you can see, the thing gets interesting…

Another advantage of Optane over NAND disks, is that 3D Xpoint memory is much more resistant than NAND, which makes the disk last much longer, and that the performance of the device is not reduced as they are repeated. the cycles of writing and erasing the data. Intel Optane 800P is capable of supporting a write of up to 360 TB of data without showing any decrease in its performance.

Test bench and performance tests



Intel Core i9-7900X

Base plate:

ASRock X299 Professional Gaming XE


32GB DDR4 Corsair Vengeance LED.


Raijintek Orcus 240


Crucial BX300 240GB

Graphic card

Nvidia GTX 1080 Ti

Power supply

Corsair RM1000X.

For the tests we will use the native controller of the x299 chipset, which is Intel's enthusiastic platform along with an i9-7900X and 32 GB of DDR4 RAM. Our internal tests will be carried out with the best-optimized benchmarks for SSDs that currently exist:

  • Crystal Disk Mark. AS SSD Benchmark. Atto Benchmark. Anvil´s Storage.

Final words and conclusion about Intel Optane 800P

Intel has released one of the most efficient storage memories we've tested in a long time. Although they currently have somewhat small capacities: 58 and 118 GB, they are more than enough for use on workstations or datacenters with database caching.

Is Intel Optane 800P focused on the street user? After knowing its technology, its mission and performance tests… we can certify that they are designed for professional use. But can I have it on my PC? Yes, of course, but perhaps for the normal user, an M.2 NVMe memory with a larger size is more interesting than a super efficient one and with a more moderate size.

We recommend reading the best SSDs on the market

Its connection to our PC is made through the M.2 NVMe connection of your motherboard and is compatible with RAID system. Let's refresh its most important technical features: they use 3D Xpoint instead of NAND memory, 1450 MB / s read rates and 640MB / s write, 365 TB durability and a 5-year warranty. Undoubtedly, a great evolution compared to last year's models.

Its price in online stores will be about $ 129 for the 64 GB model and $ 199 for the 128 GB model (the one we have analyzed) and will be on sale during this month of March. What do you think about these Intel Optane 800P memories?








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Intel Optane 800P



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