
Intel wants to buy broadcom so that qualcomm does not

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It's been a long time since Broadcom has been interested in buying Qualcomm, which would be the largest merger of two companies in the history of technology. This is something that is not funny to Intel and will try to do everything in its power to prevent it.

Intel wants to avoid the union of Broadcom and Qualcomm

The merger of Broadcom and Qualcomm would give birth to a technology giant that could make things very difficult for Intel, especially in the network market. In this situation, Intel has no choice but to react to prevent the union of its rivals. Money is something Intel has left over, so nothing better than to pull a wallet and try to buy Broadcom to avoid its union with Qualcomm. In this way, the semiconductor giant would get rid of a problem.

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Qualcomm is the current leader in the development of 5G networks with Intel lagging behind, taking over Broadcomm technology could give Intel the possibility of getting closer to its rival, as well as, of course, preventing it from continuing to strengthen its leadership position in the sector.

Lately Intel is having more difficulties than expected, first it was AMD with its successful Ryzen processors that turned a market that had been stagnant for years, then the appearance of fully functional Windows 10 computers with ARM processors and now the possible merger between Broadcom and Qualcomm.

We will have to wait to see if any of the parties involved makes an official statement on this matter, since for now there is nothing certain about this possible new maneuver by Intel.

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