Intel receives 32 lawsuits for specter and meltdown

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Intel continues to live the consequences of Specter and Meltdown. The two vulnerabilities that have affected millions of users worldwide. For this reason, the company now faces a total of 32 lawsuits over this matter. Since its mismanagement in all this problem has been a huge security problem for users. That is what the plaintiffs argue.
Intel receives 32 lawsuits for Specter and Meltdown
They believe that the company omitted information and that is something that has hurt many consumers. Because your safety has been affected. Therefore, they expect financial compensation from the company. In addition, Intel is also facing two class action lawsuits.
Legal issues for Intel
Although these 32 demands that the company is currently facing are not its only problem. Since there are three shareholders of the company itself who have made the decision to take legal action against it. The reason is that they consider that the members of the board have not fulfilled their obligations. Because no measures have been taken in operations with private information.
What is clear is that the problems grow for Intel. Since the scandal with Specter and Meltdown, the company does not win to annoyance. So there will surely be many more similar episodes. In addition, at the moment they have only mentioned that they face these demands. Although they have not said more.
We will see how these legal problems evolve. Because if more users are added to these demands, the company could experience a very complex situation. So we will have to be very attentive and we hope that there will be some reaction from Intel soon. What do you think of these consumer demands?
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