
Intel turbo boost or how to get high frequencies on cpus intel

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Here we are going to talk about Intel Turbo Boost , or rather its second version. This is another of the technologies that we can find among which conglomerates a CPU and helps us with overclocking tasks.

Index of contents

What is Intel Turbo Boost ?

This is where the community of overclockers would enter, where amateur and expert users try to exceed the limits recommended by companies. With more or less success and better or worse techniques, users try to reach higher and higher frequencies, something that far from being a simple hobby helps to evolve the industry.

Technical sections

There are several things that will surely interest you when talking about Intel Turbo Boost 2.0 .

For example, this software or tool does not have to be installed, but comes from the factory with processors. However, you will only have it if you have a CPU of the Intel Core i5, Core i7 or Core X line, so the input range loses this support almost entirely.

Luckily, it does not matter what platform we are on, since it is a technology applied to hardware. Whether you are on a Linux distribution or on a partition with MacOS, Intel Turbo Boost 2.0 will be active.

Also, it is noteworthy that we can disable Intel Turbo Boost in an option within the BIOS . However, we do not recommend you to do this unless you want to do some specific activity such as underclocking and with knowledge on the subject.

In the negative section of things, it is noteworthy that this technology is hardly configurable. We will not be able to adjust it by core, or set a certain maximum, or other features that could be more interesting.

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Finally, if you want to know if the program works normally, you can visit this article made by Intel, where they recommend different support software. On the other hand, if you want to see the program in action, you can download the Intel Turbo Boost technology monitor .

Despite having the same name, this application is not the software that we have explained to you. This program only allows us to see the frequencies achieved and the improvement produced by the software, that is, it is a monitoring program.

Last Words on Intel Turbo Boost 2.0

These kinds of technologies are those that enrich the binary jungle we are in. They allow us to achieve higher performance, it is activated as standard and they improve the user experience.

Also, as a detail, there is already an Intel Turbo Boost Max Technology 3.0 , but as Intel says, it is not a new and improved version. Rather, it is like a complementary technology that further improves the performance of its predecessor.

At the end of the day, these small changes affect the overall performance of the component and your team, but it should also be noted that AMD also has something similar. Therefore, we believe that despite being a good thing, Intel would need to put a bigger bet on the grid.

The closest thing we can find to this are the upcoming 10th Generation Intel processors.

Integrated Iris Plus graphics (select processors only) appear to perform significantly better than current Intel HD Graphics . This kind of improvement makes a company stand out from its competition and is what ultimately stimulates the technology market.

For our part, we believe that this is all that is relevant to tell about this Intel standard. If you have any questions, we recommend you go directly to the official Intel website . There they can solve any problem or intrigue you have with this technology.

We hope that you have learned something new today and that it has not been difficult for you to understand anything. But now write us: What technology do you think should be included in the CPUs ? Who do you think does better between Intel and AMD ? Share your ideas in the comment box.

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