Graphics Cards

Intel xe 2, information on new intel gpus revealed

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Intel recently hosted an in-house event called "Xe Unleashed, " in which the finalized Xe graphics architecture was presented to Bob Swan and other key people within the company, in which some key partners would also have participated. There is a video teaser and some slides of Intel Xe 2 that we will review next.

A small preview of Intel Xe 2 video

This slide is the cornerstone of Xe philosophy and the great revelation of what 'e' really means. This also reveals the existence of 4 GPUs running in parallel, which as you will see is just one step in Intel's plan to dominate the GPU market.

Intel has designed One API to act as an intermediary between the Direct3D layer and the GPU (s) and allows the user to scale between multiple GPUs without problems. According to the presentation made at the Xe Unleashed event, the GPU will essentially function as a large GPU. This will allow you to dock with applications that may not be multi-GPU capable and keep almost all backwards compatibility.

Xe 2 will scale its number of cores over the years

Developers won't have to worry about optimizing their code for multi-GPUs, OneAPI would take care of all that work.

According to Wccftech sources, the new Intel graphics card will have two modes. A standard mode, which will allow the dual GPU to operate at moderate clock speeds for most users, and a turbo mode that will allow the user to achieve clock speeds above 2.7 GHz (2.71828, to be exact) on both GPUs with an AIO system. This is an absolutely amazing feat that allows Intel to lower the initial cost of its GPU. You can buy the card with an AIO system as a package, or pay less and upgrade later.

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The provisional schedule for the first class of GPUs was also released; Intel Xe 2 X2 slated for June 31, 2020, followed by the X4 class sometime in 2021. It looks like Intel plans to add two more cores every year, so we should have the X8 class by 2024.

The price of the first Intel Xe 2 X2 model would be $ 699.

Update: It was all an April Fools Day prank by Wccftech .

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