Forsaken shores update arrives at sea of thieves

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Several months after the game's arrival and even with a last-minute delay, the latest Rare content update for Sea of Thieves has finally arrived. The Forsaken Shores update is 5.5GB in size, bringing the third new campaign to the adventure title, following the Hungering Deep and Cursed Sails sails.
Forsaken Shores arrives at Sea of Thieves loaded with news and new adventures to enjoy with your friends
The Forsaken Shores update opens a massive new region for pirates to navigate to the so-called The Devil's Roar. With its active volcanoes, earthquakes, geysers, and boiling oceans, this dangerous domain balances new dangers, with trips that are worth much more gold than in quieter areas. One of the community's most requested features, rowboats have also arrived, along with small outposts scattered around the world with NPCs, a new quest line, and more.
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The Sea of Thieves Forsaken Shores campaign is already underway, and both Xbox One and Windows 10 PC gamers can jump right in to start their volcanic adventures right away. Something to keep in mind is that even after the event comes to an end, almost all of the newly implemented features will still be part of the game. The only content items to be removed are the ability to win exclusive event cosmetics and the quest line.
Sea of Thieves is available for purchase through the Microsoft Store as an Xbox Play Anywhere title, which currently costs € 38.99. The game is also part of Microsoft's Xbox Game Pass program, which costs 9.99 euros per month. What do you think of this new update of Sea of Thieves?
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When Sea of Thieves sets sail with its final version for PC platforms and the XBOX One console. Among many of the benefits of this pirate game, will be its new progression system, with which we can play alongside players of any type of level.
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Sea of thieves 1.1.4 arrives with skeletons loaded with explosive barrels

Sea of Thieves 1.1.4 is coming to end the Skeleton Thrones event from previous weeks, and offer a new Bilge Rat Adventure event.