
The google phone application will show your location in emergency calls

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The Google phone dialer application is updated. This is version 10.1. of the application and brings important news. Although, it should be remembered that at the moment this application is still exclusive for Nexus, Pixel and Android One models. The update brings a key news.

The Google Phone application will show your location in emergency calls

One of the main problems when calling an emergency is that you cannot know the location of the caller. Now, Google Phone is going to change that. It will say where you are so that you can inform the emergency services of your location. Thus, the process will be facilitated and the services will be able to reduce the time necessary to reach the victim's place.

Location display

Now, as soon as you contact the emergency service, a new card will appear on the screen that will show your current location. You can see in the image what the new screen will be like. Thus, you can tell the emergency services the address that appears on the screen and they can find you much more quickly.

A map, the name of the street, the number of the house or building you are in, and also the GPS coordinates are displayed. The latter can be extremely useful if we are outside an urban area. Something that can happen frequently.

It is undoubtedly a change of enormous importance for users and that it can help that the necessary medical attention in some cases can come faster. So it would certainly be a good option that we hope is not limited to devices of these brands only. But it will reach more Android and iOS devices too. What do you think of this new feature?


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