
Google maps will show the battery level of the mobile when you share your location

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A year ago, Google Maps introduced the option to share your location with your friends in the Android application. In this way our contacts can find us thanks to this function. Google seems ready to improve the operation of these features. Therefore, they now announce a new improvement in it. By using it they will show you your battery level.

Google Maps will show the battery level of the mobile when you share your location

Thanks to this function in the application you can see the battery level when we share our location with a contact. It seems that it is already hidden in version 9.71 of the beta of Google Maps. So it should officially arrive soon.

New feature in Google Maps

This function in the app will show the battery level and also the status of the battery. Therefore, when using the option to share location with a contact, in addition to being able to see where we are on the map, you will also see the approximate battery level. Thanks to this, it will be possible to determine how long we will be able to share the location. In addition, it will also show if the battery is charging or discharging.

It seems that the warning that will appear in the application would be of this style: The battery level of (name) is between 50% and 75% and it is charging. Although it seems that the specific level of the application will not be shown. Due to a permission issue on Google Maps.

Google Maps has been making improvements for some time. Thanks to them it is becoming a much more complete and essential application for Android users.

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