The app store breaks records of income and downloads during Christmas

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The App Store generates millionaire income for Apple. This was something well known by users, but this past Christmas all records have been broken. Both in downloads and revenue. Good news, which somehow compensates for the poor result of sales of the iPhone of the American firm. $ 1.2 billion in sales has been reached in just one week.
The App Store breaks records of income and downloads during Christmas
A good holiday in the store. With an income that breaks all the records established so far.
Records on the App Store
As revealed by Apple itself in these data, 1, 220 million dollars were spent in the week between Christmas Eve and New Year's Eve on the App Store. Even New Year's Day was a success in terms of income. On that day alone, revenues of $ 322 million have been obtained from the firm. This is the historical maximum until the moment of signing.
It is surprising that the games and the personal care and health applications were the most downloaded at these dates. Also other games like PUBG Mobile and Fortnite have enjoyed the support of consumers.
Good results for Apple, which sees how the App Store continues to be a good source of income. Especially important on a date when the sales of their smartphones have fallen, it is surprising that records of income are broken thanks to the app store.
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