Mario kart tour breaks download records on android and ios

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It was one of the most anticipated games of these months and it seems that it is meeting expectations. After a day on the market, his downloads numbered in the millions, after a week, it seems that Mario Kart Tour is one of the great successes of this year. Since its downloads already exceed 90 million between Android and iOS. A major success for Nintendo.
Mario Kart Tour breaks download records on Android and iOS
On Android it gets more downloads, while on iOS it is where the most benefits are generated, as the data on the game has revealed.
Market success
Of these 90 million downloads that Mario Kart Tour already accumulates, 53.5 million come from Android and the remaining 36.5 million from iOS. So it has a little more pull among users in the Google operating system, which are also more on the market. Although it is on iOS, as is usually the case, where the most benefits are generated in the game.
Since 75% of the benefits come precisely from iOS, as revealed. Therefore, for Nintendo it is an important source of income in this regard. Although this is usually the most common in mobile games, they generate more money on iOS.
What is clear is that Mario Kart Tour is a success in a week on the market. It surpasses all the records of the own Nintendo and it seems that it is going to maintain a time as the most popular game on the market. So it promises to be one of the most successful games on Android and iOS in 2019.
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