
Windows 10 death screen is now green

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Windows death screen has decided to go from classic blue to green. As you hear it. The news was echoed just a few hours ago on social media. The guys at Microsoft have decided to change the color of their famous "blue screen", which users will no longer have because it is now green.

The blue screen of death surely sounds to you even if it has never appeared to you. Appears when there is a serious error in the system. It is possible that having Windows throughout your life you have found it. Now the error shown is the same, but change the classic blue color for a green tone, keeping the sad face that something has gone wrong.

Windows 10 death screen was blue and now green

As we can see in the previous image, it appears that the computer has experienced a problem and needs to be restarted. A QR code also appears.

Everything indicates that this change is final, despite the fact that it has appeared in preliminary versions of Windows and we have always found many changes, albeit small. This screen continues to notify users of an error, saying the system cannot recover. He has already undergone a facelift with other versions. For example, with Windows 8 the sad face was added and the background was a little lighter, blue but also lighter.

It is being tested and aims at definitive

Developers who have access to these trial versions have already been tested and have leaked that the Windows screen of death turns from blue to green. The person in charge of the leak on Twitter is Matthijs Hoekstra, who is one of the people in charge of Windows.

This is basically the change, so if you hoped that the horrible screenshot of Windows would not exist again, you will have to keep waiting. Because now it will continue to exist although it will have another color. We are facing one of the most striking changes that we certainly did not expect, but that is news today. It is expected to be available to all Windows 10 users soon, we don't know the date, but it could be any moment.

What do you think that the screenshot of Windows is now green ?


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