
Playstation 5 could delay its launch due to the coronavirus

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The coronavirus is putting all kinds of events in check, with notable cancellations such as MWC 2020, Facebook's F8 or GDC 2020 this March. Many presentations are delayed or made via streaming only, rather than an event. It seems that this situation could also affect the presentation of the PlayStation 5, scheduled for this spring.

The PlayStation 5 could delay its launch due to the coronavirus

Although Sony has not said anything, it is assumed that the console would be presented sometime in April. But problems with the coronavirus put that presentation at risk.

Possible delay

At the moment it is not known what will happen with the presentation of the PlayStation 5. Seeing the current situation, especially with the wave of cancellations that there are in all kinds of events and presentations, it would not be unusual if Sony makes the decision to cancel it too, or delay it for a while. This is the option that is most considered, that the console arrives a few months later on the market.

It is very likely that the console will come a little later, especially if the situation in some countries is still so critical. Sony hasn't said anything so far, in fact they haven't even confirmed an initial filing date.

So we will have to wait to see what will happen with the arrival of the console on the market. It is an expected release, which generates interest, but could be delayed. Although in these months we are encountering all kinds of rumors about the PlayStation 5, so you never know.


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