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Nvidia's photo reconstruction technology delivers great results

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Nvidia is one of the companies that invests and innovates the most in the field of artificial intelligence, an example of this is its new photo reconstruction technology, which has proven to be capable of offering excellent results.

Excellent results from Nvidia's photo reconstruction technology

Nvidia has released a video, in which it shows a tool that can restore details to corrupt images, and give users the ability to remove image data, and replace it with apparently accurate images. This technology relies on the artificial intelligence capabilities of its hardware.

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In one of the examples, Nvidia removed a small piece of dirt from an image, then filled in the gaps obtained with its image restoration tool, creating an image that shows the ground as if the removed part had never existed in the original image.. This Nvidia photo reconstruction technology enables very realistic images to be created, something the company demonstrates by going one step further with its application to a human face, although the reconstructed eyes make it clear that a little more work is still needed to offer a perfect result.

We are dealing with an application of deep learning that represents one of the many potential uses of artificial intelligence, which allows the development of complex algorithms like this of photo reconstruction, which can create details in images that would otherwise be impossible or tremendously expensive.

Deep learning and artificial intelligence are two sectors where a great investment is being made, it is hoped that these technologies will advance much more over the next few years to offer us what we would believe impossible.

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