
The eu approves the purchase of shazam by apple

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It was announced nine months ago, but until now things have not progressed too far. Apple announced a few months ago that they were buying Shazam. Although until now, the company has been waiting for the EU to give the green light to this operation. One of the pending issues that prevented the completion of this operation, but that seems to be no longer a problem.

The EU approves the purchase of Shazam by Apple

Since the EU approves this purchase. A relief for the Cupertino company, which has been having various problems with Europe for a while, and which allows them to follow through on their plans.

What is Apple going to do with Shazam?

The reason it has taken so long is that the European Union often conducts an antitrust investigation, which is common in this type of operation. It sought to determine whether Apple would thus put its services, such as Apple Music, in a position of advantage over competitors such as Spotify. Finally, it has been determined that this operation does not harm competition in the European area.

Therefore, Apple can proceed and finalize this Shazam purchase. And the integration between both parties can start. The question now is what the Cupertino firm will do or plan to do with Shazam. Because until now no clues have been given about it.

It will be interesting to see what they do. At the moment, it has already been integrated with Siri, but the options can be many. So we do not doubt that the firm will explore more options in this regard.

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