
Xiaomi ip cameras share images of other users by mistake

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A curious but serious problem that has arisen with Xiaomi IP cameras. Since it has been detected how these cameras mistakenly shared images of other users, without their permission. It seems that it is an error that occurs when you have said camera connected to Google Nest Hub. A user reported this failure on networks, commenting that he was showing images of other people.

Xiaomi IP cameras share images of other users by mistake

Said user shared images that showed how other people's houses could be seen, which was not his own, but was shown on his Google Nest Hub.

Security breach

The origin of this error is not well known, although it could be a failure in the way in which Xiaomi has implemented the connection between these IP cameras and Google Nest Hub. Since it seems clear that the bug is not in the Nest Hub. The company has not reacted at the moment to this failure that affects quite a few users already.

Google has indeed responded, commenting that they are working to solve this failure. That is why, as a temporary measure, access to the Nest Hub has been eliminated to the cameras of the Chinese brand, while this error in them is solved.

The temporary recommendation is that if you have a Xiaomi IP camera, do not connect it to the Google Nest Hub, at least until this bug has been solved. We don't know how long this will take, but we hope it will be soon.

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