
The best kanban extensions for google chrome

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Companies have long sought to make processes as efficient as possible. For this they seek and make use of various techniques. One of these techniques is Kanban. A method that stands out for prioritizing the most important tasks, so that they are the first to be completed. People are also assigned priority and responsibility. Thus, each one is responsible for completing a different part, although it is usual to change it on the fly. Also, divide tasks into categories (still to be done, in progress, and completed).

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The best Kanban extensions for Google Chrome

Therefore, companies that use Kanban make the distribution of tasks and responsibilities in a project much more efficient. In addition to resulting in increased productivity in equipment and reducing the amount of resources spent unnecessarily. Even workers see benefits personally and at work. So it is something that can be very helpful when completing projects.

Therefore, if you are interested in Kanban or want to know more about how it works, we leave you with some extensions for Google Chrome with which to achieve this. Thus, you will be able to fulfill your tasks in a more efficient way.

Kanban Tool

We start directly with an extension that perfectly summarizes the operation of this method of business organization. Thanks to it we can improve the efficiency and effectiveness in the company. We will be able to keep precise control of various projects at the same time. In addition, it is a tool that offers us a lot of information and statistics. So we also have data with which to measure progress.

This extension can be synchronized with Google Drive, OneDrive, Box and Dropbox. It is available for download in the Chrome extensions store. We can try it for free, although it is an extension for which you have to pay.


Your mailbox is essential, since in many cases the information is transmitted using this medium. So having a well-organized inbox is essential. This is what can be achieved with this extension that helps us organize Gmail according to priorities or categories. In this way, we always have the most important messages within reach. We can create an email tray for a specific group. So it is ideal in case you are working on a project.

We have a free and a paid version of this extension for Google Chrome. You can download it at this link.


Viewing several projects at the same time is somewhat complicated. Since you have to be aware of many details, something that not all people can. Especially if we are busy or are very large projects. So an extension like Breeze is a good option. Thanks to it we can create boards based on each project. So it perfectly maintains the Kanban philosophy.

We can assign cards to each project and include people in it. In this way, we have a complete vision of the project and the tasks to be completed within it. In addition, we can see at all times its progress. So we are always aware of everything that happens in it. To use this Chrome extension you have to pay. You can download it from Chrome directly.


This other extension also perfectly maintains the operation of the Kanban method. So it allows you to create boards with cards inside. Boards can be created according to each project of each important task and within cards with subtasks. The good thing is that everyone can organize it as they want. So it is very comfortable to use. It stands out for being a very visual option, since that way you have a clear vision of the projects in development.

Its use is for projects to be carried out more efficiently. Thus, workers save more time on it. It is a free extension, although there are additional functions that we can obtain in exchange for a payment. You can download it here.


Another extension whose operation is quite similar. In this case we also create boards with each project and inside we have cards with the tasks or processes to carry out. So it is very simple for us to have a very clear overview of the project as a whole. Thus, we can see how it is progressing or if everything is going as we want. It is also a good option to use in a brainstorming session, so it is an extension that is useful in the entire process.

It is also compatible with Google Drive and Box. There is a free version of this extension for Google Chrome. Although if you want to enjoy all its functions, then it is paid. It costs $ 7 a month in that case. You can download it here.


Finally we find this extension. It is an extension that some may already know, although it is widely used as a complement for people who are dedicated to sales. But, it is another good option since it helps us prioritize emails based on priority levels. So you can organize everything in a more comfortable way. In addition, it allows us to create lists in which to put what messages we want or have to respond to when we have not had time. That way we never forget to respond to someone.

It will allow you to make much more efficient use of your email. Thus, you will only respond to those messages that are a priority and leave the rest for times when you have more time. This extension for Google Chrome is available for free. Although if you want to enjoy all its advantages, then you must pay between 2 and 5 dollars a month. It is available here.

All these extensions for Chrome perfectly comply with the Kanban method. So they will help you when managing or carrying out projects. Since you can do it in a much more efficient way.


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