The components of the iphone xs max have a cost of $ 443

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As usual every year after a new Apple launch, we wonder how much it costs to make the new devices. Now we already have an answer. According to information released by TechInsights, the 256GB iPhone Xs Max has an estimated cost of $ 443. This represents an increase of around $ 50 compared to the estimated $ 395.44 for the 64GB iPhone X.
iPhone Xs Max: bigger, better and more expensive
The breakdown of component costs shown by TechInsight suggests that the iPhone Xs Max display is the most expensive component, worth $ 80.50, followed by the A12 chip costing $ 72.
Internal components of the iPhone XS and iPhone XS Max (iFixit)
Continuing with this ranking of more expensive components, thirdly is the internal storage with a price of $ 64. Other high-value components include cameras ($ 44), housing, and mechanical components ($ 55).
The iPhone XS Max's case, display, battery and internal memory are more expensive than similar components of the iPhone X, which is mainly due to the new device's size increase to 6.5 inches.
Despite them, according to TechInsights, Apple has managed to reduce the production cost of the new iPhone Xs Max by removing some components of the 3D Touch feature that were previously included in the iPhone X, something that does not seem to have affected the 3D Touch functionality. on the new iPhone Xs Max.
Cost estimates for iPhone X components vs. iPhone Xs Max (TechInsights)
We should keep in mind that these component cost estimates only take into account the raw prices, not including expenses for mounting the device, or investments in R&D, software development or expenses in advertising and distribution.
In short, this information does not assume that the iPhone Xs Max has a total cost of $ 443, but that its real price, just before the user acquires it at its retail price, is higher.
This is what it will cost to repair the iphone xs and xs max

This is what iPhone Xs and Xs Max will cost to repair. Find out more about what it will cost to fix bugs in Apple models.
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The iPhone 7 has a manufacturing cost of $ 220, detailing the estimated cost of each of its internal components and benefit in the 32 GB model.
The components of the iphone x cost $ 357.50

Apple sells the iPhone X from a thousand dollars, however, the cost of its components is much lower. Find out below