The iphone 7 has a manufacturing cost of $ 220

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According to an IHS report, the manufacturing price of the new iPhone 7 has risen compared to the previous model, the new terminal of the bitten apple has a manufacturing cost of $ 220 if we add the value of all its components.
Detailed cost of iPhone 7 components
It is important to note that this estimate of $ 220 does not include the costs of software and hardware development, marketing and other factors, but it still helps us to get an idea of what it costs Apple to manufacture each of the devices which sells for $ 649, let's remember that this is the model with a storage capacity of 32 GB.
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First of all we have the A10 processor that costs Apple $ 26, let's remember that it is a quad-core processor with a six-core GPU. We continue with the 4.7-inch IPS LCD screen that costs $ 39, the cameras that are worth $ 20 and the 1, 960 mAh battery that costs only $ 2.50. As we see quite different prices between some components and others, if we think about the iPhone 7 Plus we must bear in mind that its 5.5-inch screen is more expensive as is its double rear camera, valued at $ 40. We continue with a cost of $ 16.40 for the 32 GB of storage and the 2 GB of RAM that are inside the terminal, the cost of going from 32 GB to 128 GB of storage is laughable compared to the $ 100 of extra cost that it adds Apple so its profit margin is much higher in the terminals with higher capacity.
The analyst estimates that Apple usually has a profit of 38% from the sale of each of its devices, something that to be true the production price of each iPhone 7 would have to rise very significantly when adding the rest of the factors such as the marketing, your workers' wages, rates, shipping and many more. All in all, it is estimated that Apple has a $ 250 profit for each iPhone 7 unit sold and that the cost of production of its product is $ 36 less than that of Samsung's top-end terminal last year.
We leave you a list with the estimated cost of all the components of the iPhone 7:
Source: 9to5mac
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