
Selfies begin to be banned by dangerous

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Selfies have become very fashionable to the point that there are people who cannot live without making a different one in each situation. The problem begins when people take a selfie in situations that are not ideal, since 2014 there have been approximately 49 deaths with a direct link to this fashion today.

India bans selfies in high-risk places

India has been the country where more deaths have occurred in direct relation to selfies, of the 49 mentioned above, 19 deaths have occurred in the Asian country. Probably due to the apparent addiction of its population to self-portraits and that has led to the appearance of the term 'Selfie Fever'. In such a situation, the authorities have decided to react and have banned selfie s in a total of 16 places in the city of Bombay that are considered high risk . Most of these places are high altitude sites that do not have protection barriers or coastal areas.

Are selfies really dangerous?

After knowing this news we have wondered if selfies are really that dangerous. Let's not forget that the most fans of this practice are usually the youngest, an audience that may feel the need to highlight among their peers what can lead them to commit recklessness.

Personal opinion on the prohibition of Selfies

It seems good to me that taking selfies is prohibited if it involves irresponsibility of the person… but it is one of those things that is difficult to see and penalize. It is one thing to take a selfie with the family, which I do not see a problem, but another to do it in much more dangerous and compromised places or situations such as above a skyscraper or next to a lion or a shark…


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