More than a thousand euros on a smartphone?

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The psychological barrier of mobile phones of more than a thousand euros has already been overcome. There were those who thought that this limit would never be exceeded (I include myself in this group) because nobody was going to pay more than a thousand euros to send "guasaps", emails and to see what friends do? However, we miss the FaceBook, and also in a big way. The Apple iPhone X or the Samsung Galaxy Note 8 are two good examples of how a sector of society has been able to go from debt to the boy's communion or to go on vacation, to go into debt to buy the latest model of phone. Need or posture?
Need or posture
We live in the image society, and no, I am not referring to the predominance of audiovisual content over the written word, a subject that would keep us well entertained for a long time, but to posture. What others think about us is, for many people, as important, and even more, than the reality that is hidden under their masks. And if this is applicable to the clothes we wear, the hairstyle we wear or the car we drive, how could it not be applicable to the mobile phone we use!
By the way, 95 of the users use the smartphone for basic, normal day-to-day tasks: a glance at Twitter, Facebook and other social networks, checking email, maintaining communication with our friends and colleagues via WhatsApp or Telegram, listen to music, etc. Notice that there are even some daring people who use the mobile to talk on the phone, can you believe it? Yes, I admit that I have invented the figure, although I rather believe that it sins by default than by excess. And perhaps due to this “day-to-day” use is why the bulk of the mobile phone industry is made up of mid-range smartphones, those that are neither too cheap nor too expensive but still, in the practice, they do the same as the rest, and with good results.
However, there is a sector of the population that needs to feel looked at and admired, on the street, in the office, in the cafeteria and wherever it goes. Obviously I am not referring so much to those whose salary is openly allowed as to those who constitute the perfect example of "I want and I cannot", people who do not make ends meet, who do not make professional use of their smartphone and who nevertheless They do not hesitate for a moment to increase their debt a little more, because how are they going to have an older phone than their friend's!
Of course, there are a thousand and one differences in quality, components, power, performance, and efficiency between the one hundred euro phone and the 1200 euro phone… We are not going to fall for the charade that “all phones are the same”. No. What we are asking here is the eternal question: getting into debt even more neglecting basic needs to acquire the latest fashion phone with which we will do nothing more than we would do with a smartphone more suitable for our pockets?
There is no doubt that everyone does what they want with their money, or with the money granted by the financial officer on duty, even if it is to feed their ego and their thirst for posture, and that we have no right whatsoever to reproach him absolutely nothing, as long as his decisions do not negatively affect third parties who depend on him. Still, let's try to be consistent and as that doorman said, "a little please".
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