
Mastercard, visa and ebay stop supporting pound

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Libra is Facebook's cryptocurrency. For weeks we have seen how all kinds of problems are being found on its arrival on the market, preventing its launch. In addition to investigations by various governments and central banks, many companies are withdrawing their support. The last to confirm this are Mastercard, Visa and eBay. It had been speculated for weeks that they were going to do it and it is official now.

Mastercard, Visa and eBay stop supporting Libra

Stripe and Mercado Pago also left the Facebook cryptocurrency Association, as has been known. So they continue to lose support.

Loss of supports

It was already revealed a few weeks ago that there were companies that were considering their support for Libra. Visa and Mastercard were two whose support was seen as less and less probable and several media already pointed out that they were going to leave the association. This has finally happened already, but they have not been the only companies to do this. Because eBay, Stripe and Mercado Pago also abandon it. Which is a major blow.

There are many doubts around Facebook's cryptocurrency. Regulations do not appear to make it possible to launch. In addition, there are currently various investigations underway that could prevent it from reaching the market.

Therefore, Libra does not find an easy path. This is something that raises doubts in companies, which make the decision to withdraw their support and stop being involved with this currency. The big question now is whether or not this currency will ever hit the market.


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