Visa, mastercard and other firms could withdraw their support for pound
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Libra is the cryptocurrency of Facebook, which the social network announced a few weeks ago, but that has not yet been launched on the market. Its arrival faces many obstacles, as several governments have called for an investigation into it. What causes doubts, which reach the companies that initially supported the creation of it.
Visa, Mastercard and other firms could withdraw their support for Libra
Since companies like Mastercard or Visa, which had initially given their support, are considering withdrawing it. One more problem for Facebook in this regard.
Less and less support
Since Libra was officially announced in June, central banks and various governments have been against it. While there are several investigations at the present time, that could suppose that this currency would not reach the market officially. Many companies have maintained their support for it, although the many controversies and obstacles are bringing changes.
There are still many questions about the currency. A meeting is expected to be held on October 14, naming the members of the board of directors. The question is whether companies like Visa or Mastercard will finally be present or not this time.
What is clear is that Libra is encountering many problems on its arrival on the market. Although Facebook seems to remain determined to launch this currency to the market, but we do not know if it is something that may happen or not. So the next few months seem decisive in this regard.
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Mastercard, visa and ebay stop supporting pound
Mastercard, Visa and eBay stop supporting Libra. Find out more about these companies that withdraw support for the cryptocurrency from Facebook.
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