
Meitu announces that it will stop manufacturing mobile phones

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At the end of last year, Xiaomi took control of Meitu. It is a company that became known in part with its photo apps, for the many filters they had. Although the company was also in charge of producing telephones. But it was not something that was very popular, because the company now announces that they are closing this division permanently.

Meitu announces that it will stop manufacturing mobile phones

The brand's smartphones were not particularly known to the public in Europe. Nor in China have they enjoyed great popularity. Especially after the bad results that the firm has revealed yesterday. Reason why they close said division.

There will be no more Meitu mobiles

In 2017 there were three Meitu smartphones on the market. While last year there was only one, which was not very relevant in terms of sales either. So the decision has finally been made to abandon phone manufacturing. Because the results obtained in it are far from ideal. So Xiaomi remains as the firm that is responsible for producing phones.

In this way, the strategy followed so far is also changed. Meitu is going to be more oriented to advertising with this new change. Although at the moment he does not know specifically what Xiaomi's plans are with this brand.

Probably in the next few weeks we will know more about what the company plans to do. But at least we already know that the launch of mobile phones is not among his plans.

Meitu Fountain


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