Xiaomi mi4 receives update to android 6.0 marshmallow

Users of a Xiaomi Mi4 should know that the Chinese firm has released the update of the popular terminal to the latest version of Google's operating system, Android 6.0 Marshmallow.
An update that arrives shortly after I did it for the Xiaomi Mi Note, is based on Android 6.0.1 and has an approximate weight of 100 MB so it is better that you download it from a WiFi network so as not to consume excessively your rate of data. After the update the build number goes up to MMB29M.
Recall that the Mi4 has been on the market for a long time but its specifications are still excellent, it mounts a powerful quad- core Snapdragon 801 processor and is accompanied by a generous 3 GB of RAM. Its screen is not far behind with 5 inches and 1920 x 1080 pixels.
Source: nextpowerup
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