Samsung galaxy s6 edge + receives android marshmallow

Holders of a Samsung Galaxy S6 edge + have reason to rejoice since the South Korean firm has begun to release the update to the latest version of its operating system, Android 6.0.1 Marshmallow with all the benefits that this entails.
The update is coming to Korean users first, it comes in at around 1GB in weight and bears version number G928SKSU2BPAG. The update includes the new ad-free Samsung browser and of course all of Marshmallow's own improvements, among them we can mention the new Doze for longer battery life and better management of application permissions.
Source: nextpowerup
Xiaomi mi4 receives update to android 6.0 marshmallow

Released the update of the excellent Xiaomi Mi4 smartphone to the latest version of Google's operating system, Android 6.0 Marshmallow.
Sony xperia z5 receives android 6.0 marshmallow

Finally the Sony Xperia Z5 receives Android 6.0 Marshmallow after the Japanese manufacturer has released it via OTA.
Samsung galaxy s5 receives marshmallow

The Samsung Galaxy S5 receives Marshmallow, which was Samsung's flagship in 2014 and can now be updated to the latest version of Android.