Microsoft pays UK users to use bing

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Microsoft created a rewards program for the American market called Microsoft Rewards. Thanks to this program, users who used Bing could earn points. They could then redeem them for various rewards.
Microsoft pays UK users to use Bing
This program now reaches the United Kingdom, which becomes the first country in Europe to have it. The operation remains the same. For those who do not know this rewards program, we explain it below.
How Microsoft Rewards works
Through this program, users who use Bing will earn points. For a search in Bing you get 3 points, and if you use Microsoft Edge, it will be 6 (until August 15). The maximum number of points that can be obtained every day is 30, although in the case of using Edge it would be 60. How to achieve the points? Through searches and also participating in surveys or quizzes. Also, for every pound that British users spend on the Microsoft Store they can earn 1 point.
When you reach 500 points there is a second level where you can earn 150 points a day. The points can be exchanged for gifts later. You can find Xbox gift cards, Skype credit or Groove Music passes. There is also the option of donating it to various charities.
This is a method for users to use Bing and Microsoft Edge. It is expected that in the coming months it will reach other countries. The plans are for it to arrive in France, Canada and Germany this year. We don't know anything about dates. But we will inform you as soon as more is known about the expansion of this Microsoft Rewards. What do you think of this method of the company? It will work?
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