
Mozilla firefox will allow you to manage multiple tabs together

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Firefox is possibly the browser that has improved the most in recent times. It continues to grow and with its best it is getting closer to the market to Google Chrome, which remains the leader. Now, a new novelty arrives that the browser will introduce soon. They are going to introduce the possibility of managing several tabs together.

Mozilla Firefox will allow you to manage multiple tabs together

Currently there is no possibility to manage or work with multiple tabs at the same time. But Mozilla wants to change this in their browser. So they are already working on introducing this function in it.

Firefox continues to grow

It is a function that we already have available in other browsers such as Opera. So it is something that is going to advance in the market little by little. In this way, the user will be able to manage several tabs at the same time, saving time in this way. Without a doubt, it is a function that allows it to be extremely useful for those users who are used to working with many tabs.

Since this function in Firefox will make it easier for you to organize everything in the best way. You can use the mouse or a keyboard shortcut to make use of this function of managing multiple tabs. Thus, it will be much more comfortable for the user.

At the moment we will have to wait a while until this function is available in Firefox. No dates have been mentioned for its introduction. So we will have to wait a while. It will surely arrive in the next months.


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