
Nintendo does not know if they will have enough nintendo switches for Christmas

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The Nintendo Switch path has been very bumpy since its release. Demand for the console is high, and the company cannot seem to meet market demand. And the Christmas period is approaching, so the situation can be even more complicated for the company.

Nintendo does not know if they will have enough Nintendo Switch for Christmas

Christmas is the season of most sales for the company. Generally something positive, but for Nintendo it can become a problem. The company has stated that they do not know if they will be able to respond to the demand for Nintendo Switch that exists in the market.

Will there be enough Nintendo Switch?

Nintendo had set a goal of 10 million units of the console for this year. So far, the intermediate objectives that the company had set itself have been met. So the 10 million will be reached with almost complete security. But, as you already know, during the Christmas campaign a peak in demand is reached. And the company does not know if they will be able to respond to said demand.

Also, it seems that it doesn't only affect Nintendo Switch. Also games for this console and other platforms may run out of enough units before the campaign even starts. So this Christmas can be quite complicated for the company.

Nintendo declined to disclose any specific production or sales information. They have only claimed that there are probably not enough units of the popular console for Christmas. Something they have already experienced with this Nintendo Switch, which has had notable stock issues since its launch. We will be attentive to what happens with Nintendo and its Christmas campaign.


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