Nintendo switch online receives three new classics in October

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One of the benefits a user receives by subscribing to the Nintendo Switch Online service is access to a library of classic NES games, all of which are compatible with online play. There are currently 20 titles available on the service, with Nintendo promising to add more to the library regularly. It seems like we won't have to wait too long for the first new batch of titles to arrive.
Solomon Key, Super Dodge Ball and NES Open Tournament Golf are the new NES games for Nintendo Switch Online
Nintendo confirmed on Twitter that on October 10 the titles Solomon Key, Super Dodge Ball, and NES Open Tournament Golf will arrive in the NES library of classic games for the Nintendo Switch. Solomon Key is a puzzle game in which players control a magician who can conjure and eliminate blocks, and they must use that ability to collect the key in each room while avoiding enemies. Super Dodge Ball, as its name implies, is an NES version of the sport, while NES Open is a spiritual forerunner of the Mario Golf series.
We recommend reading our post on The data saved in the Nintendo Switch Online cloud will be deleted when you cancel the account
If you are subscribed to the Nintendo Switch Online service, you can download the NES - Nintendo Switch Online application for free from the Eshop. More titles will be added to the library each month. In November, Nintendo will present Metroid, Mighty Bomb Jack and TwinBee; in December, Wario's Woods, Ninja Gaiden and Adventures of Lolo will be added.
The #NES fun doesn't have to stop! More NES games are coming to #NintendoSwitch. NES Open Tournament Golf, Solomon's Key, and Super Dodge Ball will be available with a #NintendoSwitchOnline membership. Subscribe now and start playing on 10/10!
- Nintendo of America (@NintendoAmerica) October 3, 2018
As mentioned above, all NES games on the service are compatible with some kind of online game, although in traditionally single-player titles like The Legend of Zelda, it is limited to sharing the screen and passing control of the game from one side to side.
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