
New Facebook security flaw: 50 million accounts affected

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New security problem on Facebook. The most used social network in the world has already confirmed this problem, for which there are 50 million affected accounts. As they have revealed, this security breach has already been resolved, so there is no more danger, although the number of affected accounts could be greater. 90 million users will have to log in again.

New security breach on Facebook: 50 million accounts affected

From the social network they affirm that it is a serious situation. Although at the moment they cannot say much about the origin or scope of this attack. Because the investigation has just begun.

Facebook security issue

It seems that the attackers took advantage of a vulnerability related to the function of "See as" in the social network. Thanks to this function we can see our own profile as if we were another user. There would be an error in the code that allowed access to take control of the user's account. These accounts could still be at risk, so 90 million users will have to log back into their browser or app.

According to Facebook, this security gap has been since July 2017 on the social network. The good part is that the attackers did not have direct access to these accounts, since they had to access one and then the other in order to gain control.

At the moment not much is known about the precise number of users affected by this security breach on Facebook. The bug has been resolved and they are currently conducting an investigation, which we hope to find out sooner.

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