New nvidia geforce 391.35 whql drivers add support for far cry 5

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Far Cry 5 has reached the market and with it the manufacturers of graphics cards, make available to users new drivers optimized for this game. Nvidia has released the new GeForce 391.35 WHQL with enhancements for the new Ubisoft game and many others.
New Nvidia GeForce 391.35 WHQL drivers with major improvements
New GeForce 391.35 WHQL drivers add support and optimization for Far Cry 5, plus SLI profiles for GRIP and WRC 7. Added to all this is the solution to screen freezes in Diablo III with V-Sync activated in SLI configurations, and it also solves a problem that prevented laptops from activating integrated graphics. Beyond gaming, fixes a memory leak issue in GeForce Experience that impaired system performance.
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The GeForce 391.35 WHQL also stand out for offering security patches for seven vulnerabilities that were present in the driver kernel, and the DirectX and OpenGL APIs. Therefore, it is an especially recommended version for all users of GeForce graphics cards.
You can install them from the GeForce Experience app or from the official Nvidia website. You can check all the changes in the release notes.
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