
Nvidia cancels its presence at mwc 2020 due to coronavirus

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The number of companies or brands that cancel their attendance at MWC 2020 continues to increase. This week were LG or Ericsson two of those who confirmed they were not going to be at the event in Barcelona, ​​due to the coronavirus. A new name adds to this list and is one of importance. Because now it is NVIDIA that has confirmed that they will not attend the event.

NVIDIA cancels its presence at MWC 2020 due to coronavirus

The company seeks in this way to guarantee the safety and well - being of its employees. For this reason, they believe that it is the most appropriate decision seeing the current situation.

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This year's MWC edition is clearly marked by the coronavirus, which is causing some brands to cancel their presence. The losses of companies like LG were already something negative, which means that this year's event is not going to look as good. Now we must add another brand like NVIDIA, which is one of those that are never lacking in Barcelona.

On February 24 the doors of the event officially open. Although since February 22 there are some planned events and presentations, from brands like Huawei, in previous events. Despite that, two weeks after the event, everything is in the air.

Since the call effect is feared, so that companies like LG or NVIDIA cancel their attendance, you can get other companies to join as well. It would not be unusual if this week there are some more brands that confirm that they will not be in Barcelona this year. An edition that will be overshadowed by the coronavirus.


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