
Tcl will reduce its presence at mwc 2020

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Many brands are canceling their presence at MWC 2020 (LG, Sony, Amazon, Ericsso, NVIDIA…). It was already feared that the list will continue to increase, as it happens, although partially now. TCL is one of the brands that will be at the event in Barcelona, ​​although they will do so with a reduced presence. Their official presentation is canceled, but they will show products.

TCL will reduce its presence at MWC 2020

A half cancellation. Since they will be at the event, although there will not be a presentation of their own with a press conference, as expected. At least we will be able to see their products at the event.

Change of plans

Therefore, TCL will present its news, although without having its own event with a press conference, as is usually the case in this event. Rather, they will reduce their presence at MWC 2020 to officially display the products. The firm is expected to arrive with several devices, some of them under their own brand.

So for them being at this event in Barcelona is something important. Although his plans have been clearly altered, since his presence is reduced to the slightest expression. But at least they don't completely cancel their attendance, which would be a blow to the event.

The doubts about this MWC 2020 do not stop. Since we see how companies are canceling their presence or changing their plans and clearly reducing their presence. So there is a less lucid event, with less news and that also affects the industry. We will see what happens these days.

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