Nvidia wins the first legal battle against samsung

About a month ago Nvidia sued Samsung and Qualcomm alleging that their GPUs violated several of their graphic patents, evidently Samsung and Qualcomm denied the facts but it seems that time is proving Nvidia right.
According to VentureBeat, the US International Trade Commission (ITC) of the United States has approved by a majority vote to initiate an investigation to determine which Samsung devices infringe Nvidia's graphic patents and may even block the importation of some devices from the South Korean company.
Nvidia aims to stop importing the following Samsung mobile devices:
- Galaxy Note Pro.Galaxy Note Edge.Galaxy Note 4.Galaxy Note 3.Galaxy S5.Galaxy S4.Galaxy Tab S.Galaxy Tab 2.
Nvidia has been pleased with the decision made by ITC while Samsung and Qualcomm have not commented on it. Of course Samsung should be concerned because if the greens get their way the Koreans would lose a large number of sales.
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