Graphics Cards

It could take 6 months for Nvidia to sell the entire stock of the gtx 1060

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Apparently, the stock of the GTX 1060 GPU is so high right now, that it could take Nvidia about two quarters to sell them.

Nvidia built too many GTX 1060s for cryptocurrency mining

Nvidia appears to be having trouble selling excess GTX 1060 from its warehouses. This could directly affect the mid-range of RTX Turing. If they can't get rid of all the GTX 1060s soon, they can't start manufacturing the new mid-range RTX Turing in good numbers.

Why did this happen? Nvidia simply made too many GTX 1060 (Pascal) graphics cards, hoping that the mining boom would last longer and that all of its GPU stock would quickly sell to miners at high prices. The crash in crypto severely hit Nvidia, causing mining-related GPU sales to plummet and also leaving retailers with a foolish number of GTX 1060 graphics cards on store shelves.

This has left Nvidia in a position where it would be bad to launch mid-range Turing graphics cards as they would have to compete with both Pascal's and AMD's Radeon series graphics cards prices, potentially leaving them in a a position where excess Pascal stock would never sell, or would be sold at a greatly reduced price.

RTX Turing mid-range not announced this year

Nvidia's Colette Kress, Nvidia's Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer , said it could take up to two quarters to sell Pascal's mid-range excess inventory.

That's why we don't expect the mid-range RTX Turing to be announced soon, at least not this year.

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