
Nvidia saturnv, the world's most powerful supercomputer

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Saturn V has been humanity's largest and most powerful rocket, a milestone now remembered by Nvidia in adopting the name of the gigantic vehicle to bring to life the most powerful supercomputer created by the graphics giant, the Nvidia SaturnV, which is focused on deep learning and artificial intelligence.

Nvidia SaturnV is the new monster of artificial intelligence

Nvidia SaturnV is the new monster of the company that has been presented at Supercomputing 2017 and that manages to rank among the 10 most powerful computers for artificial intelligence. As if this is not enough, it boasts an excellent energy efficiency that allows reaching a power of 15.1 GFlops for each watt of energy used.

Nvidia Volta will not come to gaming for now

For its construction, 660 Nvidia DGX-1 nodes interconnected with each other using NVLink Hybrid Cube technology have been used, if these figures do not tell you anything we will tell you that they add up to a total of 84.48 TB of HBM2 memory distributed among 5280 cores based on the Volta GV100 architecture. A true monster that is capable of offering FP16 single precision power equivalent to 1 Exaflop while its FP64 double precision power is approximately 40 Petaflops.

Its biggest rival in the market should be the ABCI that Japan is developing and that is based on the same Volta GV100 architecture although it is limited to only 4352 cores, so its power is significantly lower than the new creation of nvidia, undisputed leader in artificial intelligence.

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